Friday, November 19, 2010

A variation on a favourite

One of our quick and easy go-to meals for dinner some nights is just a simple pizza. We pick up the crust pre-made at the grocery store, along with a can of pizza sauce, and various other toppings. Mostly it's been spicy salami with goat cheese, but we decided to mix things up one night and try a BBQ Chicken style pizza.

For this pizza, I had made (and frozen) a batch of bbq sauce for some pulled pork, a recipe from my brother, and since it made a fairly large batch, I was looking for something else/new to try it on. I drizzled the bbq sauce over a chicken breast and baked in the oven four about 35 minutes. Once that was cooked and partially cooled, I shredded it into pieces, and sprinkled it over my pizza sauce (a mixture of pizza and bbq sauce), then added broccoli and feta cheese. I like to think this is our 'healthier' version of pizza, but I bet the added broccoli doesn't offset the layer of feta I sprinkled on top. But regardless, it's nice to have an alternative version of pizza to add to our list of week night dinners.

Come to think of it, it has been a while since we've had this one, so I think I need to put it into next week's meal plan...

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